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“What we do to the world comes back to affect us, and not always in ways that we would expect! Humans must take responsibility and accountability for the adverse effects that our actions have had on the environment.”

Barry University CRAFT Scholars (Cultivating Resilience through Agriculture and Food Training) is a four-year scholarship and mentoring program for 30 low-income students.
The program aims to enhance students’ awareness and knowledge of agricultural and life sciences opportunities that are crucial for attracting a skilled and diverse workforce to these vital sectors.

Thank you to Barry University for their support

Neighborhood Grants strengthen longstanding and newly established community connections that partners are nurturing and building as community champions, all in service of our neighborhoods. The organizations nominated in this round are empowering youth, fighting hunger, uplifting families, addressing homelessness and promoting environmental stewardship. You can find more information about the Neighborhood Grants on Starbucks Stories.

This grant is part of our Neighborhood Grants program, through which one or more Starbucks partners (employees) nominated your organization based on the important work you are leading in our communities. This year, we received more than 33,000 nominations from Starbucks partners and alumni across the U.S. and Canada. Thanks to their advocacy, we are proud to recognize and support your organization as one of 2,800 nonprofits selected to receive a Neighborhood Grant (full list attached).


A Pledge by Ordinary People for Planetary Health on World Health Day

Sign your pledge below

I, ________________solemnly pledge to work towards preserving my health and the health of my family and community by protecting and preserving the planet’s natural ecosystems on which human health depends.

The health of the planet, people, and their communities will be my first consideration.

I will maintain the utmost respect for human life, as well as reverence for the diversity of life on Earth, and for the natural systems which support all life.

I will attend to my own health and well-being, by adopting and incorporating plant-based nutrition principles, in order to better serve my family, my community, and the planet to the best of my abilities.

I will fight for equity and justice by actively addressing the environmental, food, and social crises through my actions at home, in my community, and in my profession, so as to protect the planet and all of its life forms for current and future generations.

I will strive to be a role model for my children, family, and community by striving to embody planetary and plant-based health principles in my own life, acknowledging that this requires maintaining the vitality of our common home.

I make these promises solemnly, freely, and upon my honor and self-respect. By taking this pledge, I am committing to a vision of personal, community, and planetary health that will enable the diversity of life on our planet to thrive now and in the future.

Adapted from the Pledge in the Lancet (2020), by UGW 2023

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